Characterize mechanically 3D SLM-printed metamaterials.
Develop topology-optimized metamaterial cells for strength/density, ductility/density and strength/ductility objectives under different loading conditions.
Develop intermediate continuum surrogate models and related constitutive manifolds for inverse determination of optimal metamaterials.
Develop optimization algorithms for concurrent structure-metamaterial design.
CoMetaS is a highly multidisciplinary and intersectoral project, involving high-tech companies leading their field and complementary leading academic research groups. CoMetaS is proposed by a stable consortium applying to different calls with a clear scientific and industrial objective, and determination to fulfil its goals. CoMetaS has the right combination of excellence in research, academic training, and industry experience, and high international and intersectoral mobility for fostering innovation-oriented, entrepreneurial, and creative researchers.
The aerospace and defense industry, the automotive ecological industry, engineering software solutions and consultancy, and the biomedical sector.
Through clearly defined research objectives, CoMetaS promotes high mobility, intersectoral, transnational and transcontinental cooperation by involving 6 academic research groups and 4 technological companies from 5 different countries.